Volkan Temiz Apps

Specialist Pest Control Book 0.1
Volkan Temiz
PEST CONTROL TRAININGS, SPECIALIST TECHNIQUESBOOKS, EDITORIAL PUBLISHED BOOK...This e-book world has seen approval, formal applicationsas it is proven against various pestsYou will learn methods of struggle. Professionalspraying service, how are you given? How the pesticidebusinessWhen a professional and detailed way in the training setWe tell you the topics.Spraying Training Kit e-book long years of researchIt is the result of knowledge and experience occurring.The author of this work, and as the new authority in Turkeykompedaccepted volcano is clean.Hello my name is clean Volcano (Who?)Spraying Training Kit topics it contains longAs a result of research have been developed and tested thanIt is currently administered in the world today.Service is friendly, the practice of spraying,my masterpiece and effective methods involving different from eachother,for specialization of valuable pesticide companyI tried to create a very significant steps.Expressing tricks in this training set of spraying workall my esteemed colleagues would wish to be useful,Healthy, I wish you plenty of profitable days with you.Drugs Education Kit consists entirely true to the originalinformation andA total of 1200 pages of e-books, e-books 9 skin, 20GB filesizePDF, VIDEO, E-BOOKS DVD content from the training set format iscomposed of 5.What PESTICIDE TRAINING SET?5 consisting of DVD SET IS SET.Our CAMPAIGN HAS 10 DAYS 50% DISCOUNT!ONLY £ 54. INCLUDING KDV.EDUCATION SET INCLUDES THE REAL VALUE KDV £ 108 DR.Dear reader;Very valuable pesticide firms in Turkeywith the aim to expand the repertoire a bit more information,Specialist, Agricultural Engineer volcano CleanBy the total volumes of 5 9 DVD SET OF CONTENTSIt was prepared and a set of video films.To the point where we had to work on the Medicines missinga valuable work that sheds light to offer youWe are very pleased.Book Content Through this Training KitWhat we learned ?;1-very little-known or unknown chemicalYou will learn in detail the drug formula.It will produce your own medicine and harmful practicesUsing very effective results you will get.MAXFORMER-like gel against 2-Cockroacheshow to swear? Also; goliant gel premise gelinvicta gold gel etc. the drug will produce their own feedYou'll pay a fortune.3-very dearly sold the mouse bait, very convenienthow to produce the price? Klerat mumblok, rodilo cake feedTomcat II mumblok of how to feed the pallet with mouse bait,You'll learn the secret formula of mouse drug.4-housefly very effective against flies feedsand how to make traps? OSCE, etc. Quickbaythow the secret formula of the drug and drug houseflyYou will learn to produce these formulas videoWe provide narration and writing.5-many of the more than 500 different traps against pestshow to install? ETC... 5 INCURRED and content from DVD SET9 VOLUME ELECTRONIC BOOK BANK WHOTOTAL 20 GB of data capacity"PEST CONTROLLER'S MANUAL TRAINING SET" EBUY to have! CLICK HERE!Only 54 per. This training set PAYMENTYou can have.We ARE Selling Sanalpazar.com installments.Your invoice will be sent to your address with the set._____________________________________Volkan AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANCYSERVICES AND DRUGSSeven Eylul Mah. Esko Office BuildingB-Block Floor: 1 No. 6 Aydin - CENTRALOffice - Tel: 0256219 54 79Mobile: 02 78 0544516I www.aydinilaclama.ticiz.cowww.volkanziraat.tr.ggwww.sanalpazar.com/dukkan/pestcontrol-store__u568058AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERVolkan TEMİZ_____________________________________Volcano Agricultural Engineering Consultancyand Pest Control Services. TURKEY / Aydin_____________________________________COPYRIGHT © 2016All rights reserved. The book is a patented product.DO NOT COPY AND SHARE.
Global Pest Control Training 0.1
Volkan Temiz
DEAR PEST CONTROL OFFICER ;Our company is located in the world of very valuable medicationinformationTo expand your vocabulary a bit more , with the goalSpecialistAgricultural Engineer by our volkantePEST CONTROL , INCLUDING EDUCATION books andA set of films were prepared from the video .Fumigation work sheds some light on where we are lacking in thevery valuable work we are proud to introduce to you .This Educational Content Through Books Set ;1 - Very little is known or unknown chemical drugs to learn theformula , which also live harmful chemicals which will be used ,the preferred method in which you will learn how to fight .2- Cockroaches against Maxforce gel-like how to swear ?In addition, goliant gel , gel premise , invicta gold will producea gel-like feed yourself you will not pay a fortune for the drug.3- Very expensive sold for mouse bait , how to produce a veryaffordable price ? Klerat mumblok , rodilon pasta feed, Tomcat IImumblok palette with mouse bait bait how to do so , you will learnthe secret formula rodenticides . And non-toxic chemicals.4- Which is very effective against houseflies learn how to fly baitand trap ? Flykiller AGITA etc. , Quickbayt etc. housefly secretformula of the drug and how you can produce these drugs ,5- Many against pests how to install more than 500 different trap?HOW DANGEROUS DUE TO THIS LIVE TRAP will learn !Topics that will be addressed in the training program are asfollows.1-Which will be used in one - spraying of insecticides andchemical properties, drug characteristics, activity levels , whichwill be used pests which the active ingredient , which will be usedat doses of insecticides basic features. Sold in the market, keyfeatures and classification of chemicals .In the field of public health pest managers responsible for theprovision of education ,2- Pesticide use impacts on the environment and public health ,3- Vector ( harmful Live ) struggle,4 - Pesticide formulations used in the field of public healthand chemical analysis,5- Tick biology of the infecting diseases and control methods,6- Vector control in natural disasters ,7- Basic concepts in toxicology , Hygiene, Sanitation ,Sterilization Standards,8 - Organic phosphorus insecticides and carbamate insecticidesgroup identification,9- Larvacides drugs and application techniques10 - Cockroaches Biology and Control methods,11- Houseflies biology and control methods ,12 - In wetlands and swamp large areas to fight mosquitoes andcontrol methods ,13 - Rats, rats , rodents etc. about methods to combat pests ,fighting techniques,14 - Depot harmful pests , fumigation application methods,extensive fumigation training,15 - Environmental health protection , no harm to human health ,harm to non-target organisms diagnosis of insecticides andimplementation training,16- Ants , Scorpions , snakes , centipedes , chiggers, ticks ,mites , marten, fox, wolf , etc. detailed study of methods tocombat pests and the issuance of notes . ETC...Training programs related to the above-mentioned materials areprovided by the Agricultural Engineer VOLKAN TEMIZ . Volkan Ziraatalso consulting company and all his work is collected in a book,there is a training set .COPYRIGHT © 2015VOLCANO PEST CONTROL Agricultural Engineering Consultancyand Fumigation Services.
Agriculture Store TRAINING SET 0.1
Volkan Temiz
Drug Dealer agricultural Exam NOTE TRAININGSETPlant Protection Products and Wholesale Dealer DRUG DEALERAGRICULTURAL Exam Study locations include;a) legislation on plant protection products,b) the impact of plant protection products on the environmentand human health and prevention,c) application to the preparation of plant protection products,shapes and miscibility of the formulation,d) plant protection products residues in agricultural productscauses and prevention of residuesd) resistance to and management of plant protectionproducts,e) barcode applications of plant protection products onsale,f) plant diseases and pests, weeds,g) toxicology and ecotoxicology,i) Integrated pest management, integrated crop management andorganic farming,h) The technical instructions for plant protection andintegrated pest management,i) Occupational other issues .... ETC ... MANY MORE ISSUES HERE...NOTE: This source is a result of great effort has beenestablished and provide easierLOADS DELIVERED 8 GB flash memory so that you canWILL BE.Color PDF BOOKS, VIDEOIMAGES, ILLUSTRATEDSLIDES schematically Commentaries"The 8GB flash memory"It will be sent.TOTAL CAPACITY DATA 8GB DVD8 GB OR IN FLASHCan be sent MEMORYIF DESIREDBY also be sent to Link to Your email address.MANY PEOPLE WORKING IN LAST YEAR THIS COURSE NOT ONLY onThey WON THE EXAMINATION OF THIS, YOU will win!NOTE THAT YOU if you try toYour chance to win 100%WILL. TRAINING COURSE NOT your IMMEDIATELY REACH.EXAM REQUESTS WILL BE BUSY PEOPLEON COURSE NOTES IN AGAINWe publish.Plant protection products, dealers and 3,000 pages for fullwholesale examWe have prepared.5 GB CAPACITY WITH YOU VERY APPROPRIATE CLASS NOTES PRICEWE SHARE. MARKET SUCH SIMILAR RESOURCES.These notes will help you only after a lot of work not even testfor examinationinformation owner.So what is there in the notes?-Zira Fighting methods,-Virus, bacteria, fungi training course notes-Foreign Herbs and struggleConnective, vegetables and fruit pests and diseases-Olive Diseases and pests,-Fitopatoloj Notes,-Entomoloj Notes,-Herboloj Lecture notes,Grain; pests and diseases,-Plant Disease Diagnosis and Symptoms-Mücadel Methods,-Agriculture MINISTRY Related Regulations,* 2006-2015 INACCURACY date of exam questions and theproblemsVIDEO narrated ANSWERS* STUDY QUESTIONS and more ...March 2014 exam notes that most of our colleagues supplyinguswith this document.CLEAN volcano 10/21/2015HELLO, IS CUSTOMER NUMBER CONTAINING THE RICH AND FULLY UPDATEDFOR 2016 TRAINING'm the one who prepared this lecture notes. EXAMQUESTIONS YOU MAY APPEAR IN THIS WAY PROVIDE DETAILED Tried andinterpretation. NOTE especially relevant to many lessons I say. ITHINK WILL NOT BE ENOUGH FOR EXAMINATION. WORKING PEOPLE say thatENOUGH OF THIS COURSE NOT. Even last year EMPLOYEES TAKE NOTE OFTHIS COURSE EXAM won. THEY EVEN SOME PEOPLE pesticide dealers haveopened. SOME MONTHS their certificates in their rented forpesticide dealers FEES. If you try to VIDEO AND TO EDUCATIONALCOURSES NOT BELIEVE YOU 100% that you will succeed in thisexam.BEST REGARDSVolkan CLEANAGRICULTURAL ENGINEERDRUG DEALER HISTORY OFFICIAL SITE EXAMINATION 2016 AGRICULTURALANNOUNCED! 26.MART.2016 EXAM IN ANKARA HISTORY OF THE INVENTION at10:00 Hoping to.
Volkan Temiz
VOLKAN ZİRAAT İLAÇLAMA FİRMASI 2005 yılındaProfesyonel yaklaşımı ve kalite merkezli hizmet felsefesi ile Aydında sektöre girmiştir.VOLKAN ZİRAAT, bünyesinde barındırdığı yüksek bilgi düzeyinesahip, kendini devamlı yenileyen, çalışma alanlarıyla ilgilialanlarda eğitim görmüş çalışanlarıyla kısa bir zaman sonra Aydınsektöründe lider firma konumuna geçmiş, bu sonucun kaynağını“Kalite ayrıntılarda saklıdır, KALİTE İHTİYAÇLARIN EKSİKSİZGİDERİLMESİDİR.” ilkesi ile çalışma anlayışı oluşturmuştur. Aydınilinde ve çevre illerinde müşterilerinden çözüm sağlayıcı olaraktakdir ve değer görmüştür.Web sitemizin özellikleri;• 1000 ÇEŞİT BÖCEK İLACI VE FARE İLACINI BULABİLİRSİNİZ.• ÜRÜNLERİ TOPTAN VEYA PARAKENDE SATIN ALABİLİRSİNİZ.• ÜRÜNLERİ KAPIDAN ÖDEME SATIN ALABİLİRSİNİZ.• ÜRÜNLERİ KAPIDA KREDİ KARTI İLE VEYA PEŞİN ÖDEME OLARAK TESLİMALABİLİRSİNİZ. AYRICA ÜRÜNLERE AİT HAZIRLAMIŞ OLDUĞUMUZ REKLAMFİLMLERİNİ İZLEYEREK ÜRÜNLERE AİT GERÇEK BİLGİLEREULAŞABİLİRSİNİZ._____________________________________Bu Uygulama 2016 Volkan Ziraat Group tarafındangeliştirilmiştir._____________________________________Online Alışveriş için İLETİŞİM ADRESİMİZİkullanabilirsiniz._____________________________________Copyright 2016 Volkan Ziraat GroupVOLCANOES OF AGRICULTUREPESTICIDE COMPANY Aydin entered the industry with a professionalapproach and quality centric service philosophy in 2005.VOLCANOES OF AGRICULTURE, with a high level of knowledge withinits structure, constantly renewing itself, working for a short timeafter Aydin industry leading company with the areas of employeetrained about the history of the area, the source of these results"are reserved for quality detail, the QUALITY NEEDS FULL remedy."Working with the principle of understanding It has created. As asolution provider of customers in Aydin province and neighboringprovinces have seen appreciate and value.Features of our website;• 1000 TYPES OF INSECTS AND MOUSE CAN FIND DRUGS DRUGS.• PRODUCTS WHOLESALE OR RETAIL To Buy.• DOOR TO PAY PRODUCTS CAN BE PURCHASED.• DOOR PRODUCTS OR THE PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD CAN BE DELIVERED.ALSO BELONGING TO FOLLOW THE COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS we drafted by thePRODUCT TO REACH THE REAL FACTS._____________________________________This application was developed in 2016 by the volcanoAgriculture Group._____________________________________You can use our contact address for online shopping._____________________________________Copyright 2016 Volcano Agriculture Group
İnternette Para Kazandıranlar 0.1
Volkan Temiz
SÜREKLİ GÜNCELLENEN VİDEO KANALIMIZA ÜYEOLARAK YÜZLERCE EĞİTİM VİDEOMUZU İZLEYEBİLECEKSİNİZ.VİDEO KANALLARIMIZA AİT LİNKLERİMİZ BURADADIR.http://www.youtube.com/pestcontrolchannelhttp://www.youtube.com/volkantemiz_____________________________________VOLKAN ZİRAAT MÜHENDİSLİK DANIŞMANLIKVE İLAÇLAMA HİZMETLERİYedi Eylül Mah. Esko İş HanıB-Blok Kat:1 No:6 AYDIN - MERKEZOFİS - TEL: 0 256 219 54 79GSM:0 544 516 02 78www.aydinilaclama.ticiz.comwww.volkanziraat.tr.ggwww.sanalpazar.com/dukkan/Pestcontrol-Store__u568058EDİTÖRZİRAAT MÜHENDİSİVOLKAN TEMİZ_____________________________________Volkan Ziraat Mühendislik Danışmanlıkve İlaçlama Hizmetleri. TURKEY/AYDIN_____________________________________COPYRIGHT © 2016Her hakkı saklıdır. Kitap patentli bir üründür.Kopyalama YAPMAYINIZ.HUNDREDS OF EDUCATION ASA MEMBER constantly updated video channel will be able to look atour video.LINKS OF OUR our video channel is HERE.http://www.youtube.com/pestcontrolchannelOur http://www.youtube.com/volkante_____________________________________Volkan AGRICULTURAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANCYSERVICES AND DRUGSSeven Eylul Mah. Esko Office BuildingB-Block Floor: 1 No. 6 Aydin - CENTRALOffice - Tel: 0256219 54 79Mobile: 02 78 0544516I www.aydinilaclama.ticiz.cowww.volkanziraat.tr.ggwww.sanalpazar.com/dukkan/pestcontrol-store__u568058EDITORAGRICULTURAL ENGINEERVolkan CLEAN_____________________________________Volcano Agricultural Engineering Consultancyand Pest Control Services. TURKEY / Aydin_____________________________________COPYRIGHT © 2016All rights reserved. The book is a patented product.DO NOT copy.
Volkan Temiz
İlaçlama Eğitim Seti video kanalı"pestcontrolchannel" uzun yıllar süren araştırmalar ve deneyimlerleoluşan 15YILLIK bilgi birikiminin eseridir. Android Uygulama İçeriğiOnline ilaçlama video eğitimleri kapsamaktadır.Yazarı ve Yayıncısı Türkiye'de bu işin kompedanı ve otoritesiolarak kabul edilen Ziraat Mühendisi Volkan Temiz'dir.İlaçlama Eğitim Seti İçeriğinde bulunan konular uzun sürenaraştırmaların sonucunda test edilerek geliştirilmiş oluphalen günümüzde tüm dünya da uygulanmaktadır. İlaçlamaHizmetlerinde uygulaması kolay olan, birbirinden farklıve etkili yöntemleri içeren eserimde, değerli ilaçlamafirmalarının uzmanlaşmasına yönelik çok önemli basamaklarıoluşturmaya çalıştım. İlaçlama işinde püf noktaları dile getirenbu eğitim setinin tüm değerli meslektaşlarımafaydalı olmasını temenni eder, Sağlıklı, bol kazançlı günlerinsizlerle olmasını dilerim.Tamamen doğru ve orjinalbilgilerden oluşan İlaçlama Eğitim Seti video eğitim kanalımızdaToplam 1500'e yakın İlaçlama Eğitim Videosunusizinle ücretsiz paylaşıyoruz.Spraying Training Setvideo channel "pestcontrolchannel" long years of research andexperience caused by 15ANNUAL knowledge of the work. Android Apps spraying ContentOnline video includes training.Author and Publisher accepted as komped new and authority ofthis work in Turkey Agricultural Engineer volcano is clean. Drugs Education Kit to matters for which the content has beendeveloped by testing the result of lengthy researchIt is also still practiced today all over the world. SprayingService applications that are easy, different from each otherMe and effective methods of work of art containing valuablespraying very important step towards the specialization offirmsI tried to create. Expressing tricks in the spraying work of allmy colleagues this valuable training setIt would wish to be useful, Healthy, dilerim.t to be completelyaccurate and original with you plenty of profitable daysDrugs Education Kit consists of information from video tutorialsto channel our total close to 1500 pesticide training videoWe share with you for free.